
Cancer is one of the most commonly known and feared diseases. The physical stress it causes on the body can be horrific. The mental repercussions of this can be equally as fatal if not more so. The constant attack on a person’s mindset can dramatically enhance the strength of the illness. The question, how to ‘Beat Cancer’ is argued constantly around the world. Having a positive mindset is extremely difficult in a time where everything seems so negative, especially as your body is giving you negative signals and possibly painful reminders every day. However, with a positive mindset, the possibilities to help yourself and therefore your body, open up. If you personally believe you can beat it, then you instantly put yourself in a position to do something about it. whether that action is simply having an extra glass of water a day or completely transforming your diet and exercise. Now, it may not be FACT that a positive mindset can cure cancer but it IS fact that if you sit there and do nothing to help yourself, you’re giving up. If you’re giving up, your mind will give up and your body will follow.

Caroline Leaf states that “the average person has over 30,000 thoughts a day.  Through an uncontrolled thought life, we create the conditions for illness; we make ourselves sick!  Research shows that fear, all on its own, triggers more than 1,400 known physical and chemical responses and activates more than 30 different hormones.  There are INTELLECTUAL and MEDICAL reasons to FORGIVE! Toxic waste generated by toxic thoughts causes the following illnesses: diabetes, cancer, asthma, skin problems and allergies to name just a few.  Consciously control your thought life and start to detox your brain!”

While this is a very extreme view point, I strongly beleive that second by second you could be doing something to help yourself.  You can do ANYTHING you put your mind to.  People can argue that my statement can’t be backed up personally as my Mother ‘lost’ her fight with Cancer. I don’t see it like that.  My mum was diagnosed with Breast Cancer that, with a positive mindset and healthy eating, (with help from the all natural Gerson Diet) she overcame. Eventually it came back in her lungs and was mis-diagnosed, giving the cancer time to grow.  It rapidly became a very serious form of Cancer and my mum was given a rough estimate as to how long she had left to live.  Thanks to a positive mindset, positive support, exercise and healthy lifestyle. My mum managed to dramatically extend her life expectancy.




Works Cited: 

Leaf, C., Article, Thought Life, available at:

One Reply to “Cancer”

  1. Having seen your performance, this post is even more significant to the overall feel of your piece. Taking on such a personal subject can’t have been easy, looking back at your performance now I can see how all of the above relates to the ‘positive mental attitude’ theme that came through in your performance. It isn’t just about physical strength as you proved in your performance, it is as much, if not more about your mental strength and ability to carry on despite the world feeling like it’s working against you. I admire how you attack this subject head on and I believe there is a strong sense of this in you performance. Well done.

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