I will tie dirty napkins along the thick ropes with titles of diseases, illness and reasons for depression written in black upon them (e.g. Cancer, Fatigue, Depression). Napkins are obviously pieces of cloth that cleanse or are used to prevent mess etc therefore would represent the cleanliness of the mind and body being corrupted by each of these subjects.
In the background i’ll have quotes of success stories and facts about people who survived the impossible etc.
In terms of background music I was thinking Katie Melua’s ‘Spiders Web’ as it talks about looking at things in a new perspective. On the other hand, possibly my own narration to background music may be more impactful and personal if I choose to go down that path.
Eva Cassidy – Fields of Gold
Katie Melua – Spiders Web
Katie Melua – The Flood
Christina Perri – A Thousand Years
Love, Come Save Me – Right Away, Great Captain
- Here is an extremely rough sketch of the audience’s potential view of the performance.