The Innocence of Growing Up

I have always been good at rhyming. However, never really been interested in editing or recording therefore not done much with it. In the process of racking my brain trying to think of an idea that is autobiographical and humorous, I made a rap for the heck of it.

I soon realised that this can be modified to create a form of narration for my performance. Looking back at my notes (and dialogue) inspired by Spalding Gray, I can convey my stories of discovering sexuality in a form of rhyming narrative. This rhyming narrative will come across in a very fairytale like, naive way that will express the innocence that comes with thinking these awkwardly descriptive sexual thoughts that go through every teenagers head at some point. The context including subjects like masturbation, women and sex intertwined with the slow, magical story telling and colourful cardboard props should bring a humorous aspect to the performance.

Here is an example of the narration (very rough idea – not finished): Solo tester 2


As graphic as this is, the concept of Karen Finley’s work is very simular to my narration.  Sending a message or telling a story through song. Karen Ford forces the audience to listen to her vulgar mental images and forces her message into the audience’s mind.  My idea of conveying vulgar sexual text in a ‘innocent’ format would further enhance…




Works Cited:

languedamour, 2012, Karen Finley | Tales of Taboo, Available at:

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